Lyra Etna Cartridge-New

Lyra Etna Cartridge-New

Ugrade your cartridge to the New Lyra or Lyra SL Phono Cartridges. The media

is going mad on it's performance as I have. We invite you to listen  and

go mad for yourself on one of our tables. Currently installed on our

Oracle Delphi V1 and soon on our Bergmann Magne table. With the purchase of

any cartridge we will install and set up , in store, free of charge.

Retail on the Etna SL: $ 12,995..

Delos and in stock, Kleos Mono  also available.

Call for prices 905-773-7810

New series now added- Atlas SL and Kleos SL-

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American Sound Of Canada

American Sound Of Canada