Coming Soon

Annual Party

Annual Party
Book this date June 21, 2019. It's our annual Customer Appreciation party. Let's share some time together. Our past attendees know how much fun we have with lots of food, drink and best of all live music. We are lucky to have the Milestone Trio Jazz  and also the Paskke String Quartet with heart felt music come back after many requests from our customers. Prizes and Gifts. Special Guests from the industry to meet and greet and have great conversation on what we love to talk about, Audio. Guest list: Michael Fremer, Anthony Kershaw, Ernie Fisher, Aldo Filippeli of Audio Research, Josh Clark of Rockport speakers, Evan of Transparent Cables, David Schultz of T+A, Scott Sefton of Esoteric, Trent Suggs of REL Acoustics, Fred of Audioquest, and Jeremy and Tara of MBL Audio. And of course the team here in the shop, Arnold, Leyland, Nate and of course me, Angie + Our customers. Finally, we have secured some special prices for this one day celebration from our suppliers participating. Draws which will contribute to the Ewing Cancer Foundation which is now taken care of by the Sick Kids Foundation. This is a foundation that I have been found of for years. Hope to see you.
    Time: noon to 8pm      12261 Yonge Street         Bring a friend to share this audio experience. Angie

    Annual Party

Party write Up in Canada Hi Fi Magazine

Party write Up in Canada Hi Fi Magazine

Party write Up in Canada Hi Fi Magazine

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American Sound Of Canada

American Sound Of Canada