In Store Specials
Rega Planar 1 Walnut
Rega Tables back in Stock
Back in stock and available now.
Best Value and Performance in the turntable marketplace.
Some models include a cartridge.
PLANAR 1, 2, 3, 6 all on display. More models coming in soon.
Designed and made in England since 1973.
Rega is not just about turntables.
Check their website.
Rega Tables back in Stock
Focal Utopia Headphones
Wadax Atlantis Server
Wadax Server- Recognized as the Best. Made in Spain. Now in Stock.
The Altantis Server is compatible with DLNA renderers or USB DACs no drivers needed with UAC2.0.
Optional BOARD - AES/EBU, SPDIF BNC AND SEDIF RCA OUTPUT TO USE THE SERVER WITH ANY DAC. -2Tb with SSD storage with 2 internal slots to expand. We invite you to drop in for a listen. Angie
We can offer you a trade in on your current server to help you upgrade.
Please drop in for details or email: Angie or Arnold.
January 13,2024.update
I have used these in my home system but will be in the shop shortly. Angie
Please call for details.
Wadax Atlantis Server
Preamplifier Promotion: Trade in your preamp, any preamp and receive a credit of $500-$1,000.towards a new preamplifier over $5,000. on our sale price
Speakers Promotion: Trade in your speakers, any speakers and receive a credit 0f $500.-$1,000. towards a new pair of speaker over $5,000.+ pair on our sale price.
DACs/Stremer Promotion: Trade in your DAC/Streamers, any DAC or Streamer and receive a credit of $300.-$900. towards a new DAC over $ 3,000.+ on our sale price
Value of trade/credit will be determined by Sales Staff at time of purchase.Ends Nov.30,2021
Questyle Deal Extended-Stock still available at this Amazing Deal
Questyle QP1R- HIGH RES PORTABLE DAP- supports DSD 128 and 192kHz PCM files.- Class A current mode headphone amplifier. was $1,299. Price
$499. available in Slate Grey and Gold finish. New old stock.Headphone amps also reduced, 400, 600 and 800 series-limited stock.QP2R $999.
We will be introducing new product brands as well as new models from our existing brands from REL subwoofer and dCS Digital and NAD and Nad Master series.New product introduction from Bryston and B&W now available to us. We are proud to offer Bryston, a product made in Canada with a long history in a very competitive industry with their electronic lines of power amp and pre amps. Famous for their 20 year warranty. In recent years, expanding to digital gear with great success. The full line is on display including the new 28 mono block power amps and digital gear. Product representative will be on hand to go through the Bryston line. We will be offering trade ups to Bryston so we welcome you to talk about trading in your current power amp to help you to upgrade to Bryston.Also, we will be introducing Bowers & Wilkins speakers. Another world wide recognized speaker line with a long history of high fidelity speakers. Many improvements in the last few years has proven to create, in my opinion, the finest loudspeaker line offered in respect to sound performance and value across the entire line. With many series available from the 600, 700 and the hi end 800/D3 series. Speaker range that everyone can afford to own from B&W. Offers will be extended during the seminar on each of these series.Experts from each of these brands will be on hand during the event.dCS digital will be demonstrating the Bartok DAC with the optional headphone amp built in. We invite you to bring along your headphones to audition the performance of what a fine headphone amp can sound like. Of course, the dac section from this famous product line is exceptional. The Rossini DAC and the Rossini clock will also be available.Finally, NAD, a product we have sold for years as it has been true to offering what I call "hi-end on a budget". The line has grown to offer streaming with maintaining the sound quality we expect from NAD. The feature model for this event is the NAD M10, a compact size performer, an all in one unit with lots to offer.
New in the Store-REL Carbon Special,Wadax, B&W, Bryston
New XB MK11 just arrived for your audition.
3 way speaker design-mable composite cabinet-idea for any listening room.
Full line available. Made in Europe.
Special on Home Theater subwoofers HT1205 and HT 1508- New HT1510 NOW IN STOCK
New HT 1205MK11 coming in soon.
Hi End Digital DACs, Transport and Servers
Introducing the models:
Atlantis DAC, Atlantis Server, Atlantis Reference Transport, Atlantis Reference DAC
Full Line of B&W speakers Now available in our shop. New 700 Signature also available.Check out the website for more info.
New 800 D4 series announcement
New D4 series available in the shop soon. Some models available now in store. Please call to check.
Bryston BR-20 and new Digital products available. Drop in and stream with BRYSTON
New in the Store-REL Carbon Special,Wadax, B&W, Bryston
3 Great Promotions
Promotions-Great Ideas for the Holidays and Special occasions for someone special, maybe yourself.
- Promotion #1- HEADPHONES-The headphone market continues to grow and we want the whole family to enjoy this. We have designed a special for the whole family. For the month of October buy any pair of Headphones and receive a 20 % discount on the 2nd pair at equal or higher price. All brands qualify from our $99. pair all the way up. Experience what a new headphone amp can do to improve the sound of headphones starting from $ 499. and up to our hi end DCS Bartok and T+A headphone amps.
- Promotion # 2- SUBWOOFERS-Thinking of buying a subwoofer. We continue our special when you buy 2 subs. Buy 2 subs in a visit and receive 5 % discount on the 2nd sub. High quality subs available from $ 599. each to the top rated. Leyland is our subwoofer specialist and can show you how to integrated the subs for home theater or 2 channel audio only systems. We love what subs do. It is more that just about bass but more of what it does to the whole presentation of soundstage and opening of the midrange. Experience proper sub integration and be amazed. Angie
- Promotion # 3-TURNTABLES- Most table do not include a cartridge- This promotion will help you buy a new cartridge for your new turntable- When you buy a turntable from us we will offer you a sale on a cartridge with a discount of 35% off the retail price.
3 Great Promotions
Audioquest Dragon Fly Cobalt
And now there are Three!
Introducing the New audioquest Cobalt which joins the family of portable DACs, Black,Red and now Cobalt.
Ranging in Price from $129.95, 249.95 and $ 399.95
The Cobalt- Native Resolution up to 24bit/96kHz- ESS-ES9038Q2M DAC chip with minimum phase slow roll off filter for more natural sound.-plays MP3, MQA and Hi Resolution files.-Compatible with iOS mobile files and Android devices (require adaptors)-improve your digital experience with the new improved Cobalt dac. Special on Cobalt $325.
Audioquest Dragon Fly Cobalt
Bel Canto – mLink, uLink and REF Link
A huge number of audiophiles – tech-savvy and traditionalists – use computers as a primary music source and like all enthusiasts want the beyond-CD sound they’re capable of.
Bel Canto makes it happen with three new Asynchronous USB Link Converters; the entry-level mLink, moving-on-up uLink, and top-of-the-line REFLink.
These new USB Link Converters isolate the music signal – and clocks – from the harsh, noisy electrical environments of computers and music servers.
DACs on clearance with headphone amps built in- 1.5, 2.7, 3.7 Reference Line, 500 mono power amps, Cd3T transports.